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Who are we and Our Vision


  • With Ecstatic Spaces, we are creating a world together where everyone has access to the transformative power of Ecstatic Dance. 

  • We believe and experience at our events that Ecstatic Dance is a powerful tool for healing, strengthening and connection.
    We create spaces in which authentic self-expression can be lived in a judgment-free environment.
    We offer spaces in which the experience of transpersonal connection can be had through dancing together and this can make a significant contribution to intercultural peace in this world.
    We would like to share these special spaces of experience with as many people as possible and our wish is to make the experience of Ecstatic Dance accessible to everyone, regardless of financial situation, gender, nationality, religion or origin.


  • Our mission is to organize event formats such as the EcstaticDanceNight or the EcstaticDayRetreats. We want to provide a safe and supportive space in which people can express themselves authentically, connect with others and experience the joy of movement.
    Ecstatic Dance can help to release stress and fears, improve mood, strengthen self-esteem and develop individual creativity. This freedom in self-expression offers the opportunity to connect with your own inner truth - your intuition. ​


  • Our core values are freedom, expression, connection and community. We believe that Ecstatic Dance is a way to deeply experience these values. We are committed to creating “spaces”, i.e. event formats, in which everyone feels safe, respected and welcome. ​

Our goals are:

  • We would like to offer events in which everyone has access to the transformative power of Ecstatic Dance.
    We want to create a supportive and inclusive environment for all dancers, musicians and DJs and the team.
    We would like to inspire as many people as possible to discover Ecstatic Dance for themselves and to experience ecstasy and joy of life through honest self-expression. 

  • Through our offerings, we would like to support people in developing their own personal potential and increasing their vitality, physical and mental health. Our goal is to support people in cultivating inner peace, balance, joy and physical fitness in life.
    We believe and can say from our own experience that Ecstatic Dance has the power to change lives.

  • We are committed to making Ecstatic Dance accessible to everyone and we believe our vision can make the world a better place.



Nici is a co-founder and visionary of Ecstatic Spaces. She has experience as an educator, yoga teacher, adventure educator and loves developing ideas for events. Nici has lived in Heidelberg, Freiburg, Portugal, Israel and India in recent years and is closely connected to the EcstaticDance scene globally and locally. Her vision and her desire is with EcstaticSpaces. To open up spaces of experience for a variety of offers, which are essentially based on the → EcstaticDanceGuidelines ←.

She loves holding and designing the space in which people come together and wants to create oases in which people can recharge their batteries, find peace, have new experiences and feel so comfortable and safe that they dare to be honest and honest to BE authentically with yourself and the world.


Maybe you?


Would you like to become part of the team and enrich Ecstatic Spaces with your superpower?

Then send us a message with your dream  to


SOL (Shahar)


Shahar is a co-founder and visionary of Ecstatic Spaces.

loves to dance. Loves authenticity. Loves to love. Love it to play. Loves fruit. Enjoy creating and manifesting dreams.

Grew up in the Holy Land (Israel-Palestine) and moved to Germany in 2017 to follow love.

If you want to play, find it
you me on the dance floor ;-)


"I had been to clubs and psytrance parties in nature that start at 2am before, but nothing could have prepared me for my first ecstatic dance experience.

I arrived at the event feeling a bit shy. I wasn't sure what to expect, and I was worried that I wouldn't be able to let go and dance freely. But as soon as I entered the space, I felt a sense of calm and acceptance.

The music was pulsing softly, and the air was thick with anticipation. People of all ages, shapes, and sizes were smiling to me.

I found a quiet spot to sit and close my eyes. I took a few deep breaths and centered myself. Then, I stood up and joined the dance.

The music started, and I began to move. At first, I was hesitant, but I quickly let go of my self-consciousness. I closed my eyes and listened to my body. I moved in whatever way felt good.


I twirled and spun, I swayed and stretched. I felt the energy moving through my body, and I began to relax. I let go of my worries and my fears. I was simply present in the moment, dancing with wild energy and also at time soft and slow, everywhere the music had took me.

As I danced, I felt a sense of connection to the other dancers. We were all part of something bigger than ourselves. We were all celebrating life and movement.

After a while, the music slowed down, and I began to wind down. I opened my eyes and looked around. The other dancers were doing the same. Everyone was smiling and nodding at each other.

I felt a sense of peace and contentment. I rarely experienced anything like it before. I had truly let go and allowed myself to be free.

I walked away from the dance floor feeling transformed. I felt so alive and so free. I was grateful for the experience.

But what really struck me about my first ecstatic dance experience was how different it was from the clubs and psytrance parties I was used to. There was no alcohol, no drugs, and no pressure to perform. It was simply a space for people to come together and dance their hearts out.

I also loved the fact that the music was so varied. There was everything from traditional world music to electronic dance music. It meant that there was something for everyone, and that everyone could find their own unique way to move."



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