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I love to use art as a tool to reach our soul for connecting with the great spirit, connecting together as one big tribe and being a aktiv part in the Awakening process of this time right here, right  now. I call myself spiritual Artivist. 

The art im sharing is healing work and I use this time of spiritual art to share beautiful projects, whom I'm supporting (Artivist= Art and Aktivist). 

My heart is beating for children in need, so in the moment I'm supporting lepers and streetchildren in India another part goes in a project in Amazon to support the Tribes there (in the moment Huni Kuin, to keep their wisdom).

My art is shared in a medicine concert with vocal freedom and SoundHealing.

I'm collecting different songs from tribes, mostly from Amazonas, creating my own medicine songs, who im calling Schamantra and I work as a sound channel.

I hear in the collective field many tribes together singing their original songs like one beautiful mandala. Let's walk and work together for peace, love and light on this beautiful planet. 

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